Let me say right off the bat that addiction to Pokémon cards might sound a little silly. Everyone knows the fun side of Pokémon cards. Buying, selling, and trading their collection and the enjoyment that comes with it. So it seems odd that a card game would even be brought up in the same sentence as addiction.

That being said, the collecting and now investing side of Pokémon has created/brought back a whole new group of buyers into the hobby. And a lot of those buyers have money and interest in spending money where they potentially didn’t have it before.

So rather than speculate, let’s get into some details. Can someone actually be addicted to Pokémon cards?

How Could Someone Be Addicted To Pokémon Cards?

Let’s start with a basic definition. Addiction is “a chronic dysfunction of the brain system that involves reward, motivation, and memory. It’s about the way your body craves a substance or behavior, especially if it causes a compulsive or obsessive pursuit of “reward” and lack of concern over consequences.”

If you think about the act of buying Pokémon cards, especially packs, it fits quite a bit of the above definition. It “involves reward”, can “cause a compulsive or obsessive pursuit”, and that pursuit can definitely be done with a “lack of concern over consequences.”

Take a few steps further into some users on reddit and you will find quite a few examples. Some have to set a monthly budget on cards, others ask how to not spend all their money on the hobby, and some who just outright state that they have a Pokémon addiction.

So are Pokémon cards addicting? Yes. Frankly, they are designed to be that way. It is akin to buying a lottery ticket in the hopes that you score more than what you originally paid for.

Can they be addicting to the point of “compulsive or obsessive pursuit of “reward” and lack of concern over consequences? Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

How Do I Know If I’ve Gone too Far With Pokémon Spending?

This is going to be reliant on you and your personal situation. That being said, there are a few things that you can check yourself on.

  • Are you spending on cards and packs past your means? I.e. are you buying more than you can afford?
  • Are you constantly in chase of new cards and sets? Do you have trouble turning down the opportunity to buy the newest set, a pack, or otherwise?
  • Do you have any means of regulating yourself? Do you have an actual goal in mind for what you want?

If any of these describe you or someone you know, it is worth sitting down and setting yourself straight. Even if you’re not straining yourself financially, having a healthy balance with the hobby is incredibly important.

Let’s look into some ways to keep yourself and others in check with Pokémon.

How To Set Healthy Boundaries With Pokémon Card Spending

It’s pretty easy to get carried away with Pokémon card spending. There is always a new set, a nicer card, a higher grade, and otherwise that can be chased. With that being the case, I’ve given a few ways below to enjoy the hobby without going overboard.

Set a Monthly Budget

This may sound like a drastic step, but with it being easy to spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars on cards, setting a budget for yourself can help massively.

Make sure to come up with a number that allows you to enjoy the hobby without straining yourself financially. If you find that you enjoy opening packs, understand which tins, boxes, and otherwise may be the best bang for your buck.

Make sure though that whatever number you decide on, you stick to.

Define What You Want From Pokémon Cards

Not knowing what you actually want from the hobby can lead to additional compulsory buying of items you don’t really need. Take a few moments to figure out what you are actually trying to accomplish.

Are you trying to complete a set? Are you chasing a particular card? Do you just like opening packs?

Each of these wants are different. And understanding how to fulfill those wants will make it easier to stay within your spending limits.

There is always a more expensive card, a higher grade, or a better set to collect. Once you have your goals set, learn to brush off the FOMO.

Scratch The Itch In Another Way

If you love opening packs and enjoy the rush from getting a cool new card, I found a solution recently that gets you most of the way there.

There is a Pokémon Pack simulator that allows you to open any pack from any set ever made, FOR FREE. The website allows you to store your collection as well!

So if you have an itch to open a pack but don’t have the funds, give the website a shot!


It’s not hard to quickly spend hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands of dollars on Pokémon cards. And with there always being another set, a higher grade, and a new chase card, a Pokémon collecting journey can be one that never ends.

Hopefully this article was useful in helping to keep a healthy relationship with Pokémon card collecting. If you want to share a story on the topic or feel that I missed anything, please send me an email at [email protected]!