Who doesn’t love Eevee and it’s “eeveelutions”? It’s cute, resourceful in its moveset, and unlike any other Pokémon even to this day.

Even in the original 151 Pokémon, Eevee was an incredibly popular Pokémon. It was the only one at the time that could evolve into multiple different Pokémon, all of which had their own unique stats and types.

Fast forward to today and Eevee STILL stands alone as the only Pokémon that can evolve into 8 separate and unique others. So who isn’t interested in learning about which are the most expensive in their Pokémon card form?

Those 8 that we will be looking into today are Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon. Unfortunately, Eevee did not have any cards that made the official list, but let’s give the OG a nice pat on the back for brining all of the others into the Pokémon world in the first place.

This article won’t include any specialty release cards. All cards in the main list will be ones that could be pulled from packs and will be ordered based off their average raw value.

One more personal note that is worth mentioning. I have edited this article several times since initially writing it and it has changed more than any other by an exponential amount. I’ve also added in even more of these cards and might need to continue with the amount of value there is here. Bonus points to you if you can guess the three sets that absolutely DOMINATE this list.

*Please also note that this article was updated on 3/16/2025. The Pokémon card market for these cards is beyond crazy right now and I expect there to still be a ton of movement in pricing. Please check your favorite app to get the most up to date pricing.*

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

#26 – Japanese Glaceon VMAX #91

Raw: ~$300 | PSA 10: ~$525

The Japanese Eevee Hero set (the Japanese version of Evolving Skies) strikes again. This time in the form of Glaceon. The Japanese version barely beat out the English version in pricing this time around.

Despite this set being newer, both the English and Japanese versions of Evolving Skies (Japanese Eevee Heroes for the Japanese set) started off highly collectible and have only continued to grow in popularity and price since release. Add in the craziness of the new Prismatic Evolutions set and these cards have done nothing but shoot up in value.

If you have this card and are wondering if you should get it graded, the answer is typically yes. But feel free to read more on grading here if you are considering it.

#25 – Flareon ex #146

Raw: ~$300 | PSA 10: ~$1,000

At #25 is our first Prismatic Evolution card, the Flareon ex. Despite only being released in early 2025, this set has created major waves in the Pokémon card world, and the Flareon is here to lead us off.

Spoiler alert but this will be one of many cards from this set on the list.

#24 – Gold Star Jolteon #101

Raw: ~$300 | PSA 10: ~$2,100

Coming up next is our first vintage eeveelution, the Gold Star Jolteon. If you don’t know anything about these, Gold Star Pokémon cards are some of the most valuable and sought after cards ever released.

One cool note about these cards is that they were some of the first that had the Pokémon bleed out of the frame, giving it a 3D effect. Don’t worry, Jolteon will not be the only card representing vintage cards on this list today.

#23 – Gardevoir & Sylveon GX #205

Raw: ~$310 | PSA 10: ~$1,000

While Sylveon has to share a bit of the spotlight, it was still deemed worthy of making the list here. The Team Up set is yet another of the most valuable Pokémon card sets ever released.

On top of that, this card is absolutely one of the cutest you will find. Better grab it quick as that price tag only continues to go up!

#22 – Japanese Gold Star Vaporeon #22

Raw: ~$310 | PSA 10: ~$2,600

Our next Gold Star representation comes to us in the form of the Japanese Vaporeon. Once again, you can see the edge of the ear and the paw creeping out of the frame giving this another 3D effect.

Not a bad way at all to introduce Vaporeon onto this list.

#21 – Japanese Leafeon VMAX #89

Raw: ~$325 | PSA 10: ~$415

Another modern card makes the list, and this time is is Leafeon making its first appearance!

The Sword and Shield era of Pokémon cards have some serious value across both Japanese and English versions. While the Japanese versions are still rarer and harder to get a hold of, the English versions are popular enough to keep some higher values (hint hint).

#20 – Sylveon VMAX #212

Raw: ~$340 | PSA 10: ~$540

At #20 is our first English Evolving Skies Pokémon card. The English Sylveon VMAX actually did not make this list originally but has exploded in value with the release of the Prismatic Evolutions set.

Interestingly, this may be the only English card on this list that is surpassed by its Japanese version. More to come there…

#19 – Leafeon ex #144

Raw: ~$350 | PSA 10: ~$1,000

Another day, another Prismatic Evolutions Pokémon card bursting onto the list. Despite Leafeon not usually getting much air time next to its other eeveelutions, it has already made a few appearances in this list early on.

Let’s see what the list has in store for us next!

#18 – Gold Star Vaporeon #102

Raw: ~$350 | PSA 10: ~$3,100

Another day, another Gold Star on the list (yes, I said something similar above). This time is is the English Vaporeon Gold Star from the Power Keepers set. Yes, that is the same set as the Jolteon above.

Because these gold star cards have so much value and are so sought after, there are definitely fake versions of them floating around in the market, so buyer beware.

If you want to find some ways to spot fake cards, I have another article on that here.

#17 – Leafeon VMAX #205

Raw: ~$350 | PSA 10: ~$535

Leafeon has been getting some serious love on this list so far. This time in the form of the English Leafeon VMAX, once again from the Evolving skies set.

If you are a Leafeon collector, this is a definite must-have

#16 – Japanese Karen’s Umbreon #91

Raw: ~$365 | PSA 10: ~$2,500

Finally, something different. The Japanese Karen’s Umbreon.

The Karen’s Umbreon is a Japanese exclusive card from the Japanese VS set, so there is not an English version of this one. It was also from a pretty hard to get set, which is the main reason for the price tag on it.

It is one of the few Umbreon art works that shows Umbreon actually glowing! That and its exclusivity make it a definite must-have for Umbreon collectors.

If you want to learn more about this card, check out this video!

#15 – Flareon Gold Star #100

Raw: ~$370 | PSA 10: ~$3,000

Thought we were done with Gold Stars? Think again.

In this Flareon, we can see that the ear, the paw, and some fire from the tail actually come out of the picture, once again giving it an effect that was not seen before this point.

If you’re wondering if this card should belong in your collection? The answer is yes.

#14 – Espeon ex #155

Raw: ~$385 | PSA 10: ~$1,250

At #14 is the Espeon ex from the Prismatic Evolutions set. The Espeon once again sports the gem filled crown like others in the set along with its rainbow border.

Will this be the last Prismatic Evolutions card on the list?

#13 – Japanese Umbreon ex #217

Raw: ~$400 | PSA 10: ~$520

#13 is our first and only Japanese Terestrial Festival card, the Umbreon ex. In case you weren’t aware, the Terestrial Festival is the Japanese version of the Prismatic Evolutions set. Hence the images being identical.

If you like these cards but don’t want to spend as much, the Japanese versions are cheaper and absolutely still worth picking up. That still doesn’t help the fact that the Japanese Umbreon ex falls north of $400.

#12 – 1st Edition Dark Espeon #4

Raw: ~$400 | PSA 10: ~$2,600

At #12 is a vintage Espeon (Dark Espeon in this case) from the incredibly popular Neo Destiny set. It is the most expensive Eeveelution from that set and shares space with some other incredibly popular and valuable cards.

Even its non first edition counterpart is still worth a solid $125+. Want an even cheaper one? The Japanese Dark Espeon can be picked up for around $50!

And if you’ve ever had one or tried to sell one, you will quickly find that it is not a tough card to sell back on the market. Huzzah for psychic purple cats.

#11 – Japanese Gold Star Jolteon #27

Raw: ~$425 | PSA 10: ~$2,100

Thought we were done with Gold Star cards? Think again.

This time though, the Japanese Gold Star Jolteon makes it on the list. The English version is also quite valuable, but actually falls behind the Japanese version here.

That being said, there is not nearly as much sold data on the Japanese Gold Star cards, so Jolteon will have to hold it down on this list for now. If you’re holding onto the Flareon and Vaporeon, know those two should be just as valuable as this one!

#10 – Japanese Umbreon EX #82

Raw: ~$430 | PSA 10: ~$1,100

The Japanese Umbreon EX was part of the Japanese Awakening Psychic King set, which corresponded with the Fates Collide English set. Interestingly though, this Umbreon was exclusive to the Japanese set and was not part of the English one.

This card has fluctuated in price a lot since its release and was once as high as $900 raw! We will see what pricing has in store for this card, especially with the Umbreon craze going on.

#9 – Sylveon ex #156

Raw: ~$450 | PSA 10: ~$1,400

Been counting? The Sylveon ex will make the 4th Prismatic Evolutions card on the list. 5th if you’d like to include the Japanese one.

Place your bets if we will continue to see more now!

#8 – 1st Edition Umbreon Neo Discovery #13

Raw: ~$475 | PSA 10: ~$9,200

Not surprisingly, another Neo set card makes the list. The 1st Edition Umbreon from Neo Discovery is a MAJOR collectors card. I know I’ve spoken about the art on a few cards on this list, but this is certainly a favorite among a lot of collectors.

The huge moon in the background with the glowing Umbreon bands, paired with this being yet another sought after vintage set makes this an incredibly popular card.

If you’re curious where this card falls on the list of most expensive 1st Edition cards, look no further.

Seriously, congrats on having this one if you do. It’s an incredibly cool card.

#7 – Japanese Sylveon VMAX #93

Raw: ~$550 | PSA 10: ~$720

Once again, the modern Japanese Eevee Hero set strikes again on the list.

While the English version of this card holds an impressive ~$340 value, that doesn’t hold a candle to the Japanese version. This set once again remains highly sought after and highly exclusive and this card has climbed up to nearly the top of that list.

While it may not be #1 on this list, it most definitely has made an appearance on the list of cutest Pokémon cards ever released.

#6 – Skyridge Umbreon #H30

Raw: ~$560 | PSA 10: ~$7,000

Another card, another Umbreon and Skyridge set making an appearance. If you’re curious to read more about some of the most valuable Pokémon card sets, look no further.

Back to the card though. This is the MOST valuable Eeveelution e-reader card. And once again it is both incredibly valuable and incredibly cool. Some millennials might say that this made Umbreon cool before Umbreon became cool.

If you happen to get a PSA 10 in one of these, you will have a card worth ~$7,000!

#5 – Japanese Umbreon VMAX Alt Art

Raw: ~$1,000 | PSA 10: ~$2,200

At #5 comes THE chase card of the Sword and Shield era, but in Japanese.

A lot of people might not know about the Japanese version of the Umbreon VMAX. All you really need to know is that it is rarer than it’s English sibling. Despite being more expensive for quite some time though, the English has actually overtaken the value despite there being less Japanese Umbreon’s in the wild.

If you have the chance to pick one of these up, I would definitely encourage it as it is an amazing card.

#4 – Umbreon VMAX #215

Raw: ~$1,350 | PSA 10: ~$2,400

The Alternate Art Umbreon VMAX from Evolving Skies. THE chase card of the entire Sword and Shield era.

There really isn’t another modern card that competes with this in interest, value, fluctuation of value, the news, or otherwise (but the Prismatic Evolutions cards are absolutely making an effort). And despite its wild fluctuations in price, it has still remained a major chase for all modern collectors and stayed highly valuable.

Because of that though, it definitely has a lot of different fakes on the market. I write about them and this card particularly with quite a bit of detail because of that.

And as far as Pokémon card investing goes, this card remains a hot topic. My quick take is that the interest and value of the card makes it worth holding onto despite ever increasing pop reports of PSA 10’s.

Regardless of your position, this has been and will remain a highly popular and sought after card.

#3 – Umbreon ex #161

Raw: ~$1,300 | PSA 10: ~$3,100

Coming in at #3 is the main chase card for the Prismatic Evolutions Pokémon card set. The Umbreon ex.

Even before its release, these cards were absolutely salivated over and have caused another major stir in the market. Finding any sealed product of the Prismatic Evolutions set will cause you to either know the exact day and time of a restock or have a bot standing in line for you at online stores.

Even the Pokémon Company broke their silence in regards to this set and has claimed that it will be restocked “as quickly as possible”. I very much expect there to be even more fluctuation and change with this card and this entire list as time goes on.

#2 – Umbreon Gold Star #17

Raw: ~$2,100 | PSA 10: ~$21,000

The Umbreon Gold Star. One of the most valuable and sought after Gold Star cards there is.

While the value of this card has fluctuated a lot in the past few years (From $840 up to $2500 in its raw form), it has obviously still remained impressively valuable.

For any Umbreon collector, this might be considered the ultimate chase card. And while it only sits at #2 here, it is the most valuable in its PSA 10 form on the entire list, sitting at an impressive ~$21,000.

#1 – Espeon Gold Star #16

Raw: ~$3,000 | PSA 10: ~$9,000

Coming in at the #1 most expensive Eeveelution Pokémon card is the Gold Star Espeon from the Pop Series 5 Set. If you’ve looked at some of my other top lists or know anything about these, the Gold Star cards were very limited print upon release and are all incredibly expensive to this day.

Interestingly enough, the Gold Star Espeon in its raw form on average sells for more than even the Charizard and Umbreon Gold star cards! While the PSA 10 version doesn’t quite match the value of the other two, it’s raw form holds incredibly value and has the #1 spot on this list!

If you happen to have one of these lying around a binder, then a huge congrats to you and your wallet!

#0 – Japanese Eevee [500 Pt. Fan Club] #133

Raw: ~$2,800 | PSA 10: ~$9,000

Since this Eevee wasn’t part of a set or pack, it did not make the original list. That said, it felt like it deserved a mention here as it is the most expensive Eevee in the market.

The 500 Pt. Fan Club Eevee was earned by, you guessed it, earning 500 points in a Japanese Pokemon Fan club system. Members had to participate in events and could later trade in those points to redeem different cards. This being one of them.

If you are an Eevee collector, this is absolutely the chase card among all others!


Let’s do a quick recap here.

Prismatic Evolutions (English and Japanese) made an appearance 6 times.

Gold Stars (English and Japanese) made an appearance 7 times.

Evolving Skies Made an appearance 6 times.

Umbreon was our leading eeveelution, making the list 9 times. No other eeveelution was anywhere close to that.

I very much expect this list to continue to be shaken up a lot. It has been a rough time for collectors recently and some of the sets mentioned above are a major part of that.

If you have other thoughts, feel free to send me an email at [email protected].

If you want to see some other similar lists, I have one on both cheap Charizard’s and expensive Charizard’s as well as Pikachu’s!

Thanks for reading!